Updating Card Start/Expiry Drop Down Options

Updating Card Start/Expiry Drop Down Options

If your payment page is currently using hard coded start and expiry drop down options (hard coded meaning they do not dynamically change), you will need to update these on a yearly basis. The below steps should guide you through how to do this:

  1. Log into your Secure Hosting account and navigate to the 'Settings' > 'File Manager'. You can log into your Secure Hosting account at https://www.secure-server-hosting.com/secutran/logins.php
  2. Within the File Manager, you need to check the tick box next to your payment page template. Due to the way our system allows you to integrate, we do not know what the file name of your payment page will be, the most common however are "template.html", "payment.html", "xxxxx_template.html" (you can click the view link to see what the pages look like).
  3. Once you've identified and checked the payment page, you need to download it. At the bottom of the list of files you will see a drop down select box, select the option 'Download' and hit the 'Go' button. Your browser will then present you with a file called "client_files.zip", we suggest you save this somewhere on your computer where it can easily be found.
  4. The next thing you need to do is extract the payment page template from the Zip package you just saved. Open the Zip package on your computer by double clicking on it within its current location. A new window should pop-up which will allow you to drag and drop the payment page template from the Zip package to the previous window or somewhere on your computer that you can find the payment page.
  5. Now the payment page template has been extracted, you will need to open it up into your chosen HTML editor. If you do not have a dedicated HTML editor, you can use basic text editor to do this, e.g. notepad (Windows), Gedit (Linux), TextEdit (Mac). The easiest way to open the file is to first open the text editor, then open the file from within the text editor.
  6. Within the payment page, you're now looking for the option tags that define the options available for the card start and expire year select boxes. They will look a bit like this and will be nested within a select tag for the card start year or card expire year name:
    <option value="17">2017</option>
    <option value="18">2018</option>
    <option value="19">2019</option>
    <option value="20">2020</option>
    <option value="21">2021</option>
  7. Once you've found them, you need to update them, changing their values to be appropriate for the current date. For the card start date, the options should start in the past and work their way up to the current year. For the expiry date, they should start with the current year and work their way into the future. We advise that 8 years in either direction is more than adequate for any card. Once they've been updated, save the changes.
  8. At this stage you can preview the changes made to your payment page on your computer by double clicking the file. It will open in your preferred web browser, where you can have a look at the start and expiry options to make sure they're correct. If they're not right, go back to step 5.
  9. Once your options are correct you need to upload the updated payment page back to your account. This is done through the File Manager, if you're login session has expired, you may need to log back in and open the File Manager again. You will see within the page the option to upload a file from your local hard drive. Hit the browse files/open files button on the file input box and select the payment on your computer. With the payment page selected, you can hit the "Upload" button to upload the new payment page.

Once you've run through these 9 steps, the changes will have been instantly applied to your account.