Turn 3-D Secure 1 on within your SH account

Turn 3-D Secure 1 on within your SH account

Your account is enabled to support 3DS version 1. 

To turn it on, please log into your account and go to Online Processing > UPG Settings. 

Within this menu, you will see the following 3DS options:

Enable 3-D Secure (Fig. 1)

Here you select 'Yes' to enable 3DS

Place 3-D Secure verification inside an iframe (Fig. 2)

Every 3DS authentication page is hosted by the card issuing bank. As they are all different, you may wish to use an inframe to standardise the look and feel. Select 'Yes' here if you wish to do so.

Default handling grid (Fig. 3)

Once turned on, your transactions will be accepted or rejected based on the default handling that you set here. Please refer to the 'Additional Help' option within this settings page for more information about each option.

Terms & Conditions (Fig. 4)

As it is the merchant acquirer that determines the terms of the Liability Shift on transactions authenticated under 3DS, we request that you check how they wish you to handle these transactions. Once you have confirmed that, please tick the box here to confirm that you have done so. 

Once you are happy with your settings, please click on 'Save UPG Settings' to submit your changes.