Downloading data/CSV Reporting on our Secure Hosting platform

Downloading data/CSV Reporting on our Secure Hosting platform

The CSV functionality allows a merchant to download their transaction data in CSV, XLS or Text format. 

Before you can generate a CSV file, you will need to create a template containing the fields that you wish to see in your file. There are 3 default templates that you can set up for this purpose. Once your templates are setup, you do not need to re-create them each time you wish to download a file but you can edit them at any point later.

To create a template, please follow these steps:

  1. access CSV Settings > CSV Reports in your account’s control panel
  2. click into a field next to an available template and enter any fields – default or bespoke – that you require, separating them by a comma and no spaces. A full list of default fields is available on the ‘Additional Help’ link in the top right hand corner of the page.

Once your templates are set, you can download the reports:

  1. go to CSV Settings > Download CSV Files
  2. specify either a transaction range or a date range for your download
  3. select which template you wish to use

CSV files generally take 3-5 minutes to generate, depending on the size of the data you have requested but please do allow up to 15 minutes during busy periods. You will be notified by email as soon as your file is ready to download and asked to access the download link from the home page of your account.

If you have any other questions regarding the CSV functionality, please contact us via the ‘Submit a Ticket’ menu option, by emailing us on or call us on 0345 269 6645.